Batman Shampoo vs. Bane-Ana: FIGHT! [Video]
Yes, I know, this is incredibly stupid… but I Loled anyways. [Via The Mary Sue]
Yes, I know, this is incredibly stupid… but I Loled anyways. [Via The Mary Sue]
Deviantartist m7781 really likes Deadpool. In fact, he likes him so much that a lot of his art mashes up the crazy mercenary with characters from other franchises. I’ve included a few of his comics featuring Deadpool and Boba Fett below, thrown in with a some other fun pieces he did paying homage to characters […]
Another thing that is a bad problem is if you’re flying toward space and the parts start to fall off your space car in the wrong order. If that happens, it means you won’t go to space today, or maybe ever. [Source: XKCD (CC)] has recently started offering official STAR TREK-themed footed pajamas at their online store. These pajamas were designed to look like the uniforms from Star Trek: The Original Series and come complete with full frontal zip, rank cuffs and a delta shield. [$64.99 @ | Via]
Kishokahime designed a series of art nouveau posters focusing on the atypical heroines and antiheroines of 1980s (and some ’90s) fantasy and animated films. I LOVE THESE. [Via The Mary Sue]
Last January, I was stuck in a snowy, icy Atlanta, Georgia in a wintry event that quickly became dubbed “Hothlanta” — work even had to put many of us up in a hotel, because TV doesn’t make itself, you know. This Wampa arm ice scraper is genius and I sure could have used one back […]
Just a quick post to add an extra deal on top of today’s regular deal post. Amazon currently has Sucker Punch (Two-Disc Extended Edition) for just $3.99. Born from the creative vision of filmmaker Zack Snyder (Watchmen, 300), this epic action fantasy launches from the vivid imagination of a young girl whose dream world provides […]
Clocking in at 3:02, this PSA for Metro Australia is more like a music video — complete with a catchy tune that’s even available for download! I DARE YOU not to bop your head along with this clever video that’s already been viewed nearly 4 million times in just 5 days! Also, these dim-witted animated […]
The league of evil nerds gather to discuss the insidious effects of the female in fandom. Really, though, kudos to these guys for taking a humorous look on what has been a big issue lately.
The mismatched moniker of Waffle Meringue Productions is self-described as a site full of “collaborative artwork, fic, and mindgames from a variety of fandoms — HP, Buffy, Doctor Who, Community, Disney — by the illustrious team of Waffle and Meringue.” One of Waffle Meringue’s latest masterpieces centers around Buffy the Vampire Slayer…in limerick form. Yup. […]