The Hunger GameRs [Hunger Games Parody] [Video]
A gamer oriented version of The Hunger Games… Contestants with Classic & Iconic video game weapons are thrown into battle against mindless first-person shooter soldiers. [Machinima]
A gamer oriented version of The Hunger Games… Contestants with Classic & Iconic video game weapons are thrown into battle against mindless first-person shooter soldiers. [Machinima]
Today, 20 years ago, a Vodafone engineer received the world’s first text message: Merry Christmas. In the two decades since, texting has not only become a normal part of daily life, but it has also shaped our language (for better or worse) and the ways in which we interact with people. Though the first text […]
They’re invading! Here’s another one! Dan, a Music Education major from New York, is a huge Doctor Who fan! [Via Looking For Autumn]
Over the weekend, I attended the B Geeky Collectible Bazaar in a warehouse in Atlanta, Georgia’s West End. Think of it like one large geeky garage sale, where the “vendors” were local geeks just like you and me, selling some of their DVDs, comics, manga, action figures, video games, collectibles, props, clothes, etc. to other […]
We have been bested, my fellow Word Nerds. The longest word in the English language officially has 189,819 letters and takes three and a half hours to pronounce! …And it’s all for the full chemical name of a 5-letter, 2-syllable human protein called “titin.” If you’re REALLY interested — or REALLY bored — check out […]
This is for all the Whovians out there who also happen to like MLP: Presenting…the 4th Doctor pony! The pony itself was easy, but the accessories took more time. Both the scarf and hat are removeable. So far, he’s my mom’s favorite pony that I’ve made. This pony was a commission. He’s now off to […]
A taxidermied steampunk bobcat? FTW or WTF? :) From Deviantartist Phoenix-Cry: After several months my Steampunk Bobcat is finally done! This started as a very poorly tanned bobcat hide, the fur had slipped off half of the face, and it had some major shed and stretch issues. Rather than just toss this amazing cat into […]
Not everything they teach you in science class is true. Here are 10 common scientific myths. [alltime10s]
[Via MUO]
This is awesome. The Legend of Zelda comes to the digital world in this short film. Link battles various enemies and travels through a digital world as he tries to find his lost love….the princess Zelda! [Final Cut King]