The Physics of a Guinness [Science Video]
Guinness + Physics = WIN! Guinness + Cider = Paradise. [Via IHC]
Guinness + Physics = WIN! Guinness + Cider = Paradise. [Via IHC]
The battle for Middle Earth has begun! All of Isengard is unleashed against the fortress of Helm’s Deep. In the midst of the chaos and carnage, one solitary elf seeks to aid his vertically challenged friend…no matter what the cost. [Brotherhood Workshop]
Brilliant and appropriate. Kudos to the geek who thought of this. This person clearly knows his stuff when it comes to sparkly vampires. [Via]
Short summary of the story. The woman sees doom coming so she prepares. The man thinks she’s getting kind of crazy from her old age. The doom stuff happens and he realizes she was right. They end up in the tower and see a photo of themselves with their son Steve (from cubeland) holding his […]
You guys. And gals. I CANNOT GET ENOUGH of PopCycled, an Etsy store run by Laura Rosado, who is also featured in the 2013 Women of Geekdom Calendar. She makes cigarette cases, business card holders, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, keychains, and coasters mainly out of actual comic books and graphic novels — but also out of […]
Over at her The Creative Crossing blog, artist-crafter Cynthia posted a step-by-step tutorial on how to make your own Weeping Angel Christmas tree topper using (essentially) a plastic water bottle, a Barbie doll, modeling clay, tape, glue, and paint! Access the tutorial here! [Via Geek Crafts]
[Source: NerfNow]
This gingerbread Millenium Falcon was made by the folks over at the Canoe Brewpub for Canada’s National Gingerbread Showcase, which apparently happen every year. [Picture Source: Inn at Laurel Point | Via Neatorama]
On September 1, 2012, James Groccia, a 10-year-old boy with Asperger’s, wrote a letter to LEGO about their now-discontinued Emerald Night Train set. He saved for 2 years – accumulating $100 – and when he finally had enough to purchase it, the price skyrocketed to over double that on sites like Amazon and eBay, since […]
The users of Facebook are overwhelmingly voting to save their right to vote on Facebook, but the vote almost certainly won’t count. The admittedly confusing situation involves a little known Facebook rule that took effect in 2009 after the company sparked a storm of complaints when it appeared to claim greater rights over uploaded material. […]