Honest Movie Trailer: The Dark Knight Rises [Video]
An honest look at The Dark Knight Rises by our pals over at Screen Junkies. [Screenjunkies]
An honest look at The Dark Knight Rises by our pals over at Screen Junkies. [Screenjunkies]
Check out the infographic and let us know who you think should be added to this list if this post was titled “20 Geeks You Should Know.” If you only have a candidate or two to nominate, that’s totally fine too! :) Source: 10 Geeks You Should Know
To hell with Star Wars Episode VII. Star Trek FTW! :) In Summer 2013, pioneering director J.J. Abrams will deliver an explosive action thriller that takes Star Trek Into Darkness. When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the […]
I don’t really like Dubstep music, but this Christmas light show is really impressive. Please note that the “interesting” part starts at around 1:50. Enjoy. (LOL) [WEAPONxCRASH]
Husband to a murdered son … wife to a murdered king… [elcid1984]
Why haven’t I noticed this before???? Mind = Blown! [Via tumblr]
I know there are plenty of awesome timelapse videos out there but this one exhibits the incredible craft that can go into making one of these. Visual effects artist Jamie Scott created this by visiting 15 locations around Central Park in New York City 2 days a week over six months. The result is this […]
Brazilian graphic designer Bucther Billy re-imagined scenes from various Marvel films with their comic-book counterparts. Personally old-man Loki is my fav. [Via Tumblr]
If you’re like me, K-9 is one of your favorite Doctor Who characters, and until now, this 6″ figure was only available with a large, cardboard TARDIS playset! But thanks to our ThinkGeek friends, he can be yours for just $15.99! He also makes a great stocking stuffer! [Via ThinkGeek]
Meow – meow – meow – meow – meow – meow – meow – meow Meow – meow – meow – meow – meow – meow – meow – meow CATMAN! [Via]