Look at This Instagram (Nickelback Parody)
Warning: Video contains a brief sequence of strong language. Every time I do it makes me laugh… [College Humor]
Warning: Video contains a brief sequence of strong language. Every time I do it makes me laugh… [College Humor]
This absolutely beautiful pair of Legend of Zelda-themed wedding rings were made by Toronto, Canada-based goldsmith Zsolt Szรฉkely, and I doubt I’ll one day see any rings related to the world of gaming that tops the beauty and simplicity of these ones. [Zsolt Szรฉkely]
It’s time to get real about the rules governing electrical device use on flights. That’s what one government agency is telling another. Earlier this year the Federal Aviation Administration began a study of whether the current strict rules on gadget use need to be updated. The main issue was whether devices that aren’t emitting radio […]
A nice animation showcasing the evolution of the Nintendo consoles from the early 80’s up until today. 10 Awesome Facts About Nintendo: [Anthony Veloso | alltime10s]
Not as funny as episode 1, but not bad… [matincomedy]
What happens when the condom breaks? Find out what’s behind “Plan B” – otherwise known as emergency contraception. [Source: AsapSCIENCE]
You ever look around your house or apartment and go, “You know what this place needs? More horror!” Well then, Horror Decor is the site for you with handmade – and even customizable – kitchen, living room, and bedroom accessories. There’s even a clock made from a real 10″ saw blade! …just don’t expect me […]
If a genie would give you the opportunity to grant you a single superpower, which one would it be? Let us know in the comments section below! [The Doghouse Diaries]
NASA has released satellite imagery showing just how widespread artificial light is at night time — and how many areas of the Earth still lack electricity. The images are taken from a new sensor, the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite, fitted to the equally snappily-titled NASA-NOAA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite. The sensor, designed […]
A new music video by my pal Michael Wilson, aka Coma Niddy, shedding some lyrical light on the difference between a theory and a hypothesis. Enjoy! [Coma Niddy]