Airline regulators told to sort out flight gadget rules

It’s time to get real about the rules governing electrical device use on flights. That’s what one government agency is telling another. Earlier this year the Federal Aviation Administration began a study of whether the current strict rules on gadget use need to be updated. The main issue was whether devices that aren’t emitting radio […]

‘Horror Decor’ Adds Cozy Terror to Your Place, But May Cost You Friends [Pics]

You ever look around your house or apartment and go, “You know what this place needs? More horror!” Well then, Horror Decor is the site for you with handmade – and even customizable – kitchen, living room, and bedroom accessories. There’s even a clock made from a real 10″ saw blade! …just don’t expect me […]

NASA Tracks the Planet by Night [Video]

NASA has released satellite imagery showing just how widespread artificial light is at night time — and how many areas of the Earth still lack electricity. The images are taken from a new sensor, the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite, fitted to the equally snappily-titled NASA-NOAA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite. The sensor, designed […]