Matthew McConaughey Contemplates The Great Mystery That is Barbenheimer

Watch as existential Matthew McConaughey attempts to unravel the great enigma that is Barbenheimer. Given his prior collaboration with Nolan, he comprehends the boundless intricacies of time and space. And after all, he does look like a modern-day Ken, so there is no one better suited for the job.

Gliding, not searching: Here’s how to reset your view of ChatGPT to steer it to better results

Thinking of ChatGPT as a glider you pilot can help you use it more effectively. Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd/DigitalVision via Getty Images James Intriligator, Tufts University ChatGPT has exploded in popularity, and people are using it to write articles and essays, generate marketing copy and computer code, or simply as a learning or research […]