Look up! The Geminid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight [Science]
It’s December, and that means two things: Lots of looking back over the past year, and the year’s best meteor shower is coming.
It’s December, and that means two things: Lots of looking back over the past year, and the year’s best meteor shower is coming.
Hi guys! Just a quick observation and a question for those of you who have WordPress Blogs and have updated to version 3.5. Have you guys noticed if in Pre-scheduled posts, the embed code of videos is getting stripped out of your posts right before they go live? I noticed that yesterday, and each time […]
Mum may have told you to stop playing computer games into the night, but you can stay up as long as you like and still at least pretend to be in Minecraft with this. Or it might come in handy if anyone ever decides to do a Minecraft LARP. I’d pay to see that. I […]
On the 40th anniversary of the famous ‘Blue Marble’ photograph taken of Earth from space, Planetary Collective presents a short film documenting astronauts’ life-changing stories of seeing the Earth from the outside – a perspective-altering experience often described as the Overview Effect. [Planetary Collective]
These absolutely beautiful Dr.Who-themed cupcakes were made by my pals @ The Regali Kitchen, a Quezon City, Philippines-based bakery operated by Chef JB Cada & Stephanie Santos. [Source: The Regali Kitchen]
Long time [GAS] reader Ochre Jelly just sent me some pictures of a pair of AMAZING LEGO Bilbo and Gollum he recently built, and I have to say, these look way better then the LOTR Mini-figs that are currently available on the market! I always felt the One Ring brick in the official LEGO Hobbit […]
This is just too cool. The only thing I wish they had gone was get him to get on one of the jumpy boxes – use a trampoline or something? I guess that would have been a bit hard to do…but this video is still way cool. I love it when he lands on the […]
What would it look like if we took Earth’s 4.5 billion year history, and stuffed it into a normal day’s 24 hour time-frame? Follow the magnificent journey of life; where it began, and how it eventually led to humanity as we know it. [ASAPScience]
[Source: The Joy of Tech]
A rap battle between Mosess (played by Snoop Dogg) and Santa Claus? LOL. [ERB]