12 Facts About the Mayans: Brush Up Your Knowledge Before the Apocalypse (Or Not…)

The Mayan Apocalypse, which has somehow also included the zombie apocalypse, has been quite a hot topic as of late. And all this panic about that calendar really is a shame. In spite of the fact that there are multiple calendars (and, y’know, maybe they just ran out of space on that rock) I think we’re […]

Conditioner Gordon Added to the Batman Shampoo Series

Batman Shampoo was left in a panic at the end of the first instalment of the Batman Shampoo versus Bane-ana. How can he stop Bane-ana from continuously adding, “more banana!” to everyone’s hair, foiling Batman’s plan to clean up the city’s hair!? Conditioner Gordon may, or may not, have the solution. [Matt Mulholland Via The […]