Deadpool and Boba Fett Celebrate the Holidays! [Video]
Everybody’s favorite mercs, Deadpool and Boba Fett, celebrate the holiday season in this fun video from our pals over @ Sneaky Zebra! Fa la la la la, la la la la. [Sneaky Zebra]
Everybody’s favorite mercs, Deadpool and Boba Fett, celebrate the holiday season in this fun video from our pals over @ Sneaky Zebra! Fa la la la la, la la la la. [Sneaky Zebra]
Couple these “hairy” toe socks with some sandals and you will be one sexy geek! These $10 socks from J!nx are available @
The Mayan Apocalypse, which has somehow also included the zombie apocalypse, has been quite a hot topic as of late. And all this panic about that calendar really is a shame. In spite of the fact that there are multiple calendars (and, y’know, maybe they just ran out of space on that rock) I think we’re […]
So what do you guys think of the new Tardis’ look? Yay, nay, hooray? [Via Doctor Who and the Tardis by Craig Hurle]
Batman Shampoo was left in a panic at the end of the first instalment of the Batman Shampoo versus Bane-ana. How can he stop Bane-ana from continuously adding, “more banana!” to everyone’s hair, foiling Batman’s plan to clean up the city’s hair!? Conditioner Gordon may, or may not, have the solution. [Matt Mulholland Via The […]
Patrick Ballesteros was a big fan of the “Princess Bride” – a movie I unfortunately only watched recently but loved to bits. The memories of first watching the movie when it came out moved him to create this adorable piece of art that he’s entitled “As You Wish”. A very cute tribute to an awesome […]
A malevolent glitch threatens to destroy all videogames. OH NO. [CorridorDigital]
The organizers of ConNooga in beautiful Chattanooga, Tennessee need your help! The multi-genre fan convention is going on its 6th year, and this year, ConNooga wants to have a special track for children under the age of 13, so parents and kids can share in the weekend together! By using indiegogo, they are hoping to […]
Here’s to the great movies that inspired us and the bad ones that made us feel better about our lives. Filmography 2012 remixes over 300 movies to explore and celebrate the work of this year’s cinematic storytellers. [Genrocks]
So, shall we begin? :) [phoenixdark9]