The Witch-King Loves to Swing [Picture]
[9Gag | Via FG]
[9Gag | Via FG]
A rather funny, and mostly annoying, music video celebrating various Internet memes by the folks from Mashable. I’m so sorry. :) [Mashable]
A totally epic crochet dwarf hat and beard based on Gimli’s helm from the Lord of the Rings movies by Deviant art user SadDaysCrochet. The helm I based directly on the helm that Gimli wears in the Lord of the Rings movies, the beard was my own design with massive creative input from my brother. […] The video tracks formation of snowflakes from their origins in bits of dust in clouds that become droplets of water falling to Earth. When the droplets cool, six crystal faces form because water molecules bond in hexagonal networks when they freeze. It explains that ice crystals grow fastest at the corners between the faces, […]
Yet another teaser for the upcoming Christmas Special The Snowmen has been released on The Graham Norton show. Hmmm memory worm… [Via Blogtor Who]
For only $13.99 a pair on ThinkGeek, it’s gonna be hard not to nab ALL these thigh-high Doctor Who socks! The 4th Doctor’s scarf-as-socks is really clever, but I really love Argyle print, so I gotta choose the Dalek ones. [Via Fashionably Geek]
I thought it would be appropriate to post this today. So, how’s everyone feeling this morning? :) [I Survived 12.21.2012 Tee: $24.54 @] Darn, that must have taken days to complete! Can you imagine the work involved in making something like this? [etoilec1]
A metal version of the Hobbit theme by Guitar player extraordinaire 331Erock. Enjoy! [Source: 331Erock | Via Blippitt]