FRA-GIL-E: It’s Italian, Honey! [Picture]
Gordon Tarpley recreated the iconic scene from A Christmas Story…but with a geekier twist. [Via Nerd Bastards]
Gordon Tarpley recreated the iconic scene from A Christmas Story…but with a geekier twist. [Via Nerd Bastards] & proudly present series 2 of Read Only Memory. In ‘Link’s Triumph’ Link must over come his first great enemy. Based on the first boss fight from the original Legend of Zelda. [Shamoozal]
Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering, so why not use a Darth Vader stress ball to let all that anger out? :) [$13.95 @ The Neatoshop]
Warning: Video contains strong language. And if you can’t enlist them right away, be sure to send them a few of these pin-up girls propaganda posters. If this doesn’t bring them over, nothing will. [HelloGreedo]
A massive amount of events, which all happened in 2012, condensed in just 4 minutes. My brain hurts now. ouch. [RyanJamesYezak]
One of my favorite quote from Richard Feynman, which goes very well with this video: Poets say science takes away from the beauty of the stars— mere globs of gas atoms. Nothing is ‘mere’. I too can see the stars on a desert night, and feel them. But do I see less or more? The […]
Check out Guile’s Theme (from Street Fighter) as performed by an orchestra of eight floppy drives. [MrSolidSnake745]
An entertaining short to start the year. Let’s just hope that 2013 won’t be the year where Catzilla decides to make his appearance! The main idea of the project was to develop an antithesis of other benchmark productions which are mostly boring and aesthetically weak. Micha? Staniszewski from the demoscene Plastic group came to us […]
Ric Kaner set out to find a new way to make graphene, the thinnest and strongest material on earth. What he found was a new way to power the world. [Focus Forward Films]
A fun experiment to try with your kids, or even just by yourself! [brusspup]