“Les Misรฉrables” + “Arrested Development” = “Les Misรฉrabluths”
Well, that didn’t take long. See all the mashups here. [Via lesmiserabluths/tumblr]
Well, that didn’t take long. See all the mashups here. [Via lesmiserabluths/tumblr]
Check out Compressorhead, the world’s heaviest metal band, as they perform Motรถrhead’s “Ace of Spades” during a practice session at the Robocross head quarters in Berlin, Germany. [TheRobocross1]
I so need this. I already smash my hand on staplers at work out of frustration. Maybe now it will be more acceptable? Edit: The stapler doesn’t seem to be available anymore, but it was when I first pre-scheduled that post. Sorry geeks! [Via The Gadgets]
A funny parody of the Brad Pitt Chanel Nยฐ5 commercial featuring Captain Jack Sparrow Lookalike – Seร n George. I’ve included the original ad below, for comparison purposes. [Sneaky Zebra]
Like ‘The Hobbit’? Like ‘The Office’? Then you may well like this unique blend of those two worlds where David Brent (aka Gandalf The Grey) tells us all about his philosophy around running a regional parchment merchants in Middle Earth. [eagerbeaverfilms]
Artist Blake Wheeler likes to give a little personallity to old NES cartridges, so he paints them on Canvas and adds the face of some of his favorite Nintento characters on top. Check ’em out! [Blake Wheeler on Etsy]
This interesting video gives an alternate view (which may be right or not, thoughts in the comments below?) of our solar system, showing the sun as a comet travelling through space with its planets orbiting around it just like they would in a vortex. [DjSadhu | Via]
A new “Symphony of Science” remix celebrating the discovery of the Higgs boson particle. Enjoy! [Melody Sheep]
Some of these actually aren’t all that bad, so you’re welcome! [vlogbrothers]
So long haired geeks, is this an accurate representation of what would happen to Samus’ hair after putting her helmet on? I don’t have long hair, so I unfortunately cannot pronounce myself on the issue, but I’m sure a few of you can. [Source: ReadySoup Comics]