Will Space Travel Cure us of Political Perspective?

Private research and funding has led to privatized spacecrafts becoming a thing โ€“ and possibly bringing the idea of commercial space travel just a teensy bit closer to reality. But what are the implications of actually sending people into space? Mike Rugnetta at the PBS Idea Channel seems to think that once space travel becomes […]

Must Watch: KILLZONE INTERCEPT [Live Action Fan Film]

Killzone Intercept occurs during the events of Killzone 3 as the ISA evacuate Helghan. A small scout squad is called upon to stall a large group of approaching Helghasts that plan to cut off the ISA convoy from reaching the extraction point. Outnumbered, the squad takes on the task with hopes of getting everyone off […]

Monsters University: One Serious Campaign

http://youtu.be/THhRSJC5FX8 Pixar has gone pretty much all-out with the advertising for the upcoming Monsters University movie. Not only have they created this fairly awesome recruitment video, there’s even a full-on University website (one which, I might say, is a lot better than some University websites I know of!). The Monsters University movie is a prequel […]

Nokia web browser raises privacy questions

Nokia has admitted it does decrypt some internet traffic sent over “secure” connections on some of its cellphones. However, it insists there is absolutely no question of it accessing the information while it is in unencrypted form. The issue was raised by an Indian security researcher and involves the Nokia Xpress Browser. That’s a tool […]