Attack of the Quack: An Experiment with Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning [Video]
A psychology experiment by Youtuber LesStrapontins. [LesStrapontins | Via The Awesomer]
A psychology experiment by Youtuber LesStrapontins. [LesStrapontins | Via The Awesomer]
Last week, Bowe Cleveland got critically injured in a School Shooting at Taft Union High School in central California. The 16-year-old kid was then put in a medically induced coma following surgery, and now, hospital staff are slowly bringing him back awake. Since Bowe is a huge Spider-Man fan, his friends have started wearing Spidey […] A DeLorean hovercraft caught on camera while it hovers over San Francisco’s Bay. I wonder what happens when it hits 88MPH? [Terry Barentsen | Via LS]
Fortunately, most of the time this isn’t the case, but I do get these kind of comments from time to time, especially from those who are only looking to plug in their blog url under their comments. You know who you are. [Source: Jim Benton | Via Neatorama]
Google has somehow found a way to up the sci-fi levels on its proposed Project Glass spectacles: it wants to add laser beams. The project aims to create “augmented reality” spectacles which can overlay visual information directly into your eyeline. At its simplest this could mean getting turn-by-turn walking directions in cities, but it could […]
For only $18.99, you can hide your identity while keeping warm…or just show your pride for The Cap. Buy one now on SuperHero Stuff! [Captain America Beanie | Via HiConsumption]
Mr. Caputo (yes, he’s Italian) has taken it upon himself to create some epic Adventure Time fan art. Namely, shields. Like, awesome shields. Not only is he creating these for you to admire on his tumblr, but he’s even selling prints of some of them at his store. So if you really like it, go […]
Here is part two of Adonis Pulatus’s series of timelapse videos featuring footage taken by astronauts at the ISS. If you missed part one, you can check it out right here. [Adonis Pulatus]
Warning: Video could be considered a little gross for a few among you. Now that you’ve watched this, go wash your hands. Please. [Via LS]
OMG that moustache! [Dalek Doctor Who Beanie]