The Scientific Power of Thought [Video]
The power of the mind and its ability to affect physical change may shock you! Find out how simply imagining can make it so. [ASAPScience]
The power of the mind and its ability to affect physical change may shock you! Find out how simply imagining can make it so. [ASAPScience]
There you go, the shortest horror story of all time. [Via MUO]
Ew. [Source: XKCD (CC)]
You’ve heard Ze Frank geeks, now go out there and find your seahorse lover. Related: Gross and Funny: True Facts About The Angler Fish [Ze Frank]
In 1989, eight-year-old Brett Martin’s (USA) parents gave him a 4-cm (1.6-in) Mario holding a mushroom. As of October 2012, Brett has amassed a treasure trove of 8,030 items, many of which you can see at [Via UD]
[Source: JULIA LEPETIT @ Dorkly]
The next time you’re eating a big bowl of breakfast cereal, take a closer look at the ingredients. You’ll find that it contains more than just wheat and corn. Look closely and you might find iron in your cereal… you know, the metal… the stuff used to make nails. Here’s an experiment that proves you’re […]
[Via TechEblog]
Another great video by the Slow Mo Guys. Gav and Dan repaint the garden the only way they know how… With slow motion explosions! Filmed at 1600fps with a Phantom Flex. [Slow Mo Guys]
Warner Bros. Entertainment is looking for exceptional students graduating highschool with a passion for animation to apply for their REACH program. The scholarship is for $10,000, along with four full-time (and paid) internships over the summers while you are studying – that also involves being matched with an executive mentor! The money is paid directly […]