Marveletica: Another Alphabet of Marvel Superheroes
We’ve posted another one a few days ago, but this one is of a completely different style. Can you name them all? (Without looking at the legend underneath) [Source: Benjamin Thomas Johnson]
We’ve posted another one a few days ago, but this one is of a completely different style. Can you name them all? (Without looking at the legend underneath) [Source: Benjamin Thomas Johnson]
Science has the solution to life’s greatest mystery! Which came first – the chicken or the egg? Watch the video to find out! [ASAPScience]
THQ is now as good as dead and the rest of the games industry has divided up the scraps. It’s prompted speculation about what changes new owners will make to games already in development. The company had gone into Chapter 11 bankruptcy to get temporary protection from creditors. It had hoped to simply sell out […]
[Source: LOLDWELL | Via Dorkly]
Another great vsauce episode taking a look at some of the most dangerous places on Earth for us to live. [Vsauce]
Watch as Lindsey Stirling and the Piano Guys perform their interpretation of the Mission Impossible theme song. [Via TDW]
Etsy seller Swankmetalsmithing makes ridiculously beautiful wedding rings, including the two pairs of Star Wars-themed rings you see above and below. If you’re interested in getting a pair, the price varies greatly depending on the material and stone you’re interested in. [Swankmetalsmithing – | Via Geekologie]
If you are more paranoid than fashion conscious, researchers in Japan have got you covered. They’ve developed a pair of spectacles specially designed to stop you being caught out by facial-recognition software on security cameras. The National Institute of Informatics put out a press release on their work last month but it appears their ability […]
For those of you who are still doubting, Wikipedia confirms that the little figure you see hanging upside down on the ship is indeed R2-D2. [Via Blastr]
Are there any discoveries or events you would add to this infographic? Let us know in the comments section below! Source: