Honest Trailers – Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull

Even though it’s already been 5 years, the guys over at Screen Junkies have decided to create an “honest trailer” for what is arguably the worst Indiana Jones movie of all time, Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull. Get Ready for George Lucas to ruin another legendary franchise as we join Indiana […]

Monsters, Monsters, Motherflipping Monsters [Video]

EM’s latest supercut remix track is “Monsters”, your favorite oversized city destroyers all in one mini movie. The obvious monsters are all present – King Kong, The Kraken and of course Godzilla, King Of The Monsters. But also some not so obvious classics, like Howard The Duck. The music is a remix of Akira Ifukube’s […]

Phone Unlocking Becomes Illegal Tomorrow

Unlocking your cellphone without the permission of the original service provider will technically become a crime in the US tomorrow. That said, the chance of a prosecution taking place, let alone being successful, seem slim. The legalities are covered by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which brought in the principle that it’s illegal to circumvent […]