Octopizza Pie Looks Gruesome and Delicious [Picture]
A totally delicious-looking Octopus Pizza pie, complete with pepperoni suckers. Om nom nom nom. [Instructable.com | Via OW]
A totally delicious-looking Octopus Pizza pie, complete with pepperoni suckers. Om nom nom nom. [Instructable.com | Via OW]
They may say you’re the chosen one that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun hey, listen to me when I say even Ganon can’t keep me away I touched the triforce and I got you every piece of your heart I will cling to we’ll have an unforgettable legacy because I am your […]
Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, here’s something to offer to your significant other that is much geekier than a regular rose: an 8-bit rose! ThinkGeek is here with the perfect gift for your princess, plumber, or Player 2. The 8-Bit Rose sprouts from its 8-Bit pipe-vase and its bright red petals never wilt. Due […]
[Via Something Awful | IHC]
A long time ago, in a kitchen far far away… [Source: clutzygeek]
[Source: Rock Paper Cynic | Via MUO]
This is a timeline of the events related to the One Ring created by Sauron in Second Age 1600. The years of the War of the Ring are described in more detail. [LOTR Project | Via NA]
Warning: Flashing multi-color lights. Original prank call by Earles & Jensen. Dedicated to all the chaotic good elves of the world. [Source: EightyFourFilms | Via LS]
After the great response to our SUNCHASER STAR TRAILS video, my brave team and I trekked to the world-famous Eureka Dunes in Death Valley National Park to search for some of the darkest skies on Earth. Despite temps below freezing, we went on December 13th, 2012 – the night of the Geminid Meteor Shower Peak, […]
Jonathan Coulton, the geek legend who brought us such awesomeness as “Still Alive” (the theme for Portal) and the zombie anthem “Re: Your Brains,” has always had a special place in my heart as well for his amazing coffee house rock arrangement of Sir Mix-A-Lot’s “Baby Got Back.” Have you heard it? No? Well, the […]