This is what I do every night [Pic]
[Source: Chewing Fat]
[Source: Chewing Fat]
Are you a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? Are you a fan of symphonic metal? (That’s a thing?!) If you’re a fan of at least one of those things, then this is for you! [The LTrain9000 / Via YouTube]
JJ Abrams gets a call from… Darth Vader! (And yeah, in case you haven’t heard yet, J.J. Abrams will indeed be directing the new Star Wars movie) [Sneaky Zebra]
[Source: Twaggies – Mashable] A bunch of random facts that you may or may not already be aware of. Did you know that star fish have no brain or that astronaut Frank Borman suffered from a bout of diarrhea onboard Apollo 8, resulting in fecal matter floating around? [didyouknowblog]
Bouquet. Of. Plush. Unicorns. And for just $50, they are about the same cost – if not cheaper – as flowers…and they won’t ever die! Unicorns live for forever! [Via ThinkGeek]
Since it’s Monday morning and we all need something to put a little sunshine in our day, here’s a video of a beatboxing goat just for you guys. No need to thank me. [Salazaren | Via Salut Bonjour]
Under the motto “You grew up, so did we”, Microsoft has created an ad for their new edition of Internet Explorer, complete with… SLAP BRACELETS! LISA FRANK! TAMAGOTCHIS! POGS! And maybe it’s because I’m still not okay being 27 – and I’m only a few months away from turning 28 – but I got goosebumps watching […]
Didn’t you know? Unicorns come from hell! Yes they do! [BlankTV]
Is this true, Guys? [Sketch MacQ / Too Many Ideas]