Immovable Object Vs. Unstoppable Force: Which Wins? [Vid]
THe ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny: Immovable objects versus unstoppable force. Boom. [Minute Physics]
THe ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny: Immovable objects versus unstoppable force. Boom. [Minute Physics]
The secret to perfect box art is revealed! [RoccoB64]
This simple guide will help any wizard seeking to defeat a Middle-Earth antagonist. [LOTR Project]
Nintendo has conceded the Wii U is likely to fall well below its original sales predictions. The disappointment is tempered only by some good fortune with currency exchange rates. The details come in financial figures covering April through December, the first nine months of Nintendo’s financial year. It says it sold 3.06 million Wii U […]
There are now more than 7 billion human beings on Earth, and that got me wondering: How successful are we compared to other species? I take a look at out how our numbers stack up to some other domains of life. It turns out that biomass, or what things weigh, can be more important than […]
What a great idea, these guys are totally awesome. [RomanAtwood]
In this “Truth From Legend” segment, Alistar Bloom attempts to unlock the mysteries of Columbia, and reviews artifacts that pose new and troubling questions about the city. [Pre-Order BioShock Infinite (Release Date: March 26, 2013)]
[Source: Moonchild Empress – Reddit | Via Blastr] There is a new boom in the technology sector: Robotics. Humanoid robots have replaced most retail employees in major chains across the country. What sets these robots apart is how well their personalities are designed– how charming and helpful they are, how human they are perceived. [stagefivetv | Via]
That’s it, Gandalf is an egoistical jerk. [Via]