PS4 Announcement Expected February 20

After years of waiting, we could be less than three weeks away from getting official confirmation that the Playstation 4 is coming. Sony has announced a press conference in New York for February 20 that will address “the future of Playstation.” It hasn’t officially confirmed this will be where the announcement takes place (which would […]

Geektastic DIY R2D2-Themed heels [Pic]

Instructables user mikeasaurus made these totally fantastic R2-D2-themed heels, and my guess is, if you’re a lady geek, these are indeed the heels you are looking for! Forget protocol, droid, and mash up everyone’s favorite astromech with mid-heels and create the greatest footwear the Empire has ever seen. These R2D2 shoes are the hottest thing […]

Star Wars: Into Darkness (Star Wars / Star Trek Trailer Mash-Up) After learning that J.J. Abrams would be directing the new Star Wars movie, UK film critic Ross Thompson decided to mash up some audio and visuals from the original Star Wars trilogy with elements from the upcoming Star Trek movie. The only problem with the whole thing? Not enough lens flares. [UnusualSuspect2011 | Via […]