It’s Spock! It’s Spock! Do You Care? [Video]
Am overly excited reporter runs round a block along with Zachary Quinto (Spock in J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek,) asking people if they care about Zach being spock. Oh, and also, Sylar > Spock. [Via LS]
Am overly excited reporter runs round a block along with Zachary Quinto (Spock in J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek,) asking people if they care about Zach being spock. Oh, and also, Sylar > Spock. [Via LS]
Yes, Matrix Reloaded is indeed a movie about white men looking for a stud to breed slaves. Here are a few other Chinese movie knockoff DVD cases that will make you shake your head in disbelief. [Via Pixfans]
It’s February! Which means that there are two weeks until Valentine’s Day. If you’re still looking for the perfect gift for the geek in your life, stay tuned the next few days for gift guides with some ideas beyond the obvious flowers and candy. First up: geeky jewelry! Specifically of the handmade variety, since Etsy […]
There are A LOT of species, characters, and technology in the Star Wars franchise. Help your kids start to organize it all, as you introduce them to the series! The chart was created by Patrick Concepcion and you can even by a print for your kid’s bedroom wall at his Etsy store! [Via Geekologie]
After years of waiting, we could be less than three weeks away from getting official confirmation that the Playstation 4 is coming. Sony has announced a press conference in New York for February 20 that will address “the future of Playstation.” It hasn’t officially confirmed this will be where the announcement takes place (which would […]
Instructables user mikeasaurus made these totally fantastic R2-D2-themed heels, and my guess is, if you’re a lady geek, these are indeed the heels you are looking for! Forget protocol, droid, and mash up everyone’s favorite astromech with mid-heels and create the greatest footwear the Empire has ever seen. These R2D2 shoes are the hottest thing […]
See how your brain works! Not only will these brain tricks blow your mind, they perfectly demonstrate how you think and process information. [ASAPScience]
I’ll just leave this here and let you guys salivate. A CG movie featuring Captain Harlock? Now how awesome is that? The movie is planned for release next fall in Japan, but there’s no word out yet about when it’ll hit the big screen in North America. Thanks Rick!
A short movie, which won 44 Awards and more than 80 selections, featuring three extreme situations that are actually the same. Will you survive? Directed by Martín Rosete and written by Luis Berdejo. [Kamel Films | Via The Awesomer] After learning that J.J. Abrams would be directing the new Star Wars movie, UK film critic Ross Thompson decided to mash up some audio and visuals from the original Star Wars trilogy with elements from the upcoming Star Trek movie. The only problem with the whole thing? Not enough lens flares. [UnusualSuspect2011 | Via […]