Geeky Valentine’s Day Cards: 10 More Awesome Ways to Say “I Love You”

Next up in our series about geeking up Valentine’s Day, here we have a collection of awesome Valentine cards from Etsy. Why just say “I love you” when you can express your love in geekier ways?ย  Click on the caption to visit the store listing! I wish I was your derivative so I could lie […]

GEEK BLOWOUT: Henry VIII Writes to Obama, Nominating Catelyn Stark!

Did that headline just blow your mind?! Allow me to explain: Actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers plays Henry VIII on HBO’s The Tudors. He also happens to be a big fan of the network’s Game of Thrones. As a naturalized U.S. citizen, Meyers wrote a lengthy letter to President Obama, beseeching him to consider Lady Catelyn […]

Super Bowl Movie Trailers: Oz, Iron Man 3, Star Trek: Into Darkness [Videos]

Hey geeks, instead of doing three posts for the three trailers, I decided to combine them into one. Here are the movie trailers for Oz: The Great and Powerful, Iron Man 3 and Star Trek: Into Darkness that aired during the Super Bowl yesterday. Enjoy! Oz: The Great and Powerful Iron Man 3 Star Trek: […]

HOW TO: Mini AT-ST Popsicle Stick Models [Pic]

How to make a mini AT-ST popsicle stick model, courtesy of instructable user popsicle_mini-models: Hello everyone! Another project from the Star Wars Universe – A mini All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST) popsicle stick model… The “chicken walkers” were more of a challenge to build compared with other fictional crafts since the mini AT-ST has to […]