The AntiMatter Science Rap
Hey geeks, it’s time to learn about AntiMatter! A cool new science rap from my pal Michael, aka Coma Niddy. Please note: If the captions are off, be sure to turn them on after hitting the play button. [Coma Niddy]
Hey geeks, it’s time to learn about AntiMatter! A cool new science rap from my pal Michael, aka Coma Niddy. Please note: If the captions are off, be sure to turn them on after hitting the play button. [Coma Niddy]
Apart from those listed in the infographic below, do you know of any other algorithms that helped change the way our world works? Let us know in the comments section below! An infographic by the team at College Degree Search
Available in many style, sizes, and colors @ The Neatoshop. [HALO Teabagging – $16.95]
A series of totally amazing set of superhero illustrations done in the “noir” genre by Macedonian artist Marko Manev. Check these out! [Marko Manev]
I know you guys probably aren’t the biggest Hello Kitty fans out there, but I decided to post the video anyways because of the quality of the footage and that the project was realized by a 7th grade highschool student to observe the effects of altitude on air pressure and temperature. You go girl! [Melody […]
I love James Hance’s art, and as far as I’m concerned, among all the geeky artists out there, he’s pretty much at the top. James recently started painting a series of watercolor pieces featuring the Serenity crew, and apparently, all these were done in just one day. The originals will be donated to Can’t Stop […]
Warning: Video contains strong language. This condensed version of the 1985 hit movie travels MUCH faster than 88 miles per hour. [1A4STUDIO]
Do you agree with this guy? Have you guys enjoyed the movie? Let us know in the comments section below! [Sucker Punch [Blu-ray] (Extended Cut) – $7.99 @]
Factory Entertainment has partnered with FX Networks to create a line of Archer collectibles! The Plush Line will include Pam’s dolphin (not a euphemism), Lana, Archer, and the Baby Seamus. The Action Figure Line will begin with Archer, followed by other characters to be released at later dates. There will even be a Motion Statue Line, […]
A year after the rumor first surfaced, a major games magazine is insisting the next generation XBox won’t allow for used game sales. Edge magazine reports “sources with first-hand experience” as saying that although the new Xbox will support physical media, Microsoft wants downloadable games to be the priority. As a result, the new Xbox will […]