The Best Paintings of the Serenity Crew in the ‘Verse [Pics]

I love James Hance’s art, and as far as I’m concerned, among all the geeky artists out there, he’s pretty much at the top. James recently started painting a series of watercolor pieces featuring the Serenity crew, and apparently, all these were done in just one day. The originals will be donated to Can’t Stop […]

‘Archer’ To Get Line of Action Figures and Plush Toys

Factory Entertainment has partnered with FX Networks to create a line of Archer collectibles! The Plush Line will include Pam’s dolphin (not a euphemism), Lana, Archer, and the Baby Seamus. The Action Figure Line will begin with Archer, followed by other characters to be released at later dates. There will even be a Motion Statue Line, […]

‘XBox to kill used game market’ rumors return

A year after the rumor first surfaced, a major games magazine is insisting the next generation XBox won’t allow for used game sales. Edge magazine reports “sources with first-hand experience” as saying that although the new Xbox will support physical media, Microsoft wants downloadable games to be the priority. As a result, the new Xbox will […]