Danny Trejo as “Mario” Fan Art [Pic]
I’m just going to leave this here… [Art-of-Bob / via NerdBastards]
I’m just going to leave this here… [Art-of-Bob / via NerdBastards]
If you want this shirt you better hurry up because it will only be available until the end of the day. Available in many styles over at riptapparel.com. [Bad Droid Shirt – Just $10]
Best. Pic. Ever! Or for today at least! [Source: George the Kat | Via Obvious Winner]
Watch as this guy drops a red hot nickel ball on a block of ice. [Via]
An Amazon patent filing suggests the company wants to sell used copies of digital files such as Kindle books. But the economics involved means making the idea into reality could be tricky. The patented idea is effectively an adaptation of the existing lending policy on Kindle books. That allows one user to lend a book […]
Best. Mashup. Ever. [James Farr]
I stumbled upon an ad for this the other day and with the tagline “discover the hidden secrets in your genes” it wasn’t hard to be intrigued. It’s just about as ‘cool’ as it sounds. Basically, the guys at coolgenes are a bunch of geneticists who like to think that you don’t only need to […]
And don’t forget, geeks, Orcs, even the nice ones, always finish last. The best way to spend Valentines day is on a romantic date. The second best way is to watch a violent movie with your buddies. Either way, we hope you all have a great one! Thanks Kevin! [BrotherhoodWorkshop]
Gryffindor girls We’re so amazing Pleated skirts And ties red and gold Lions represent, Now mess your manes up Oooooh Oh Oooooh Gryffindor boys They’re so magnificent When danger strikes They come out on top Hear their mighty roars They’re lion-hearted Oooooh Oh Oooooh [Not Literally]
Warning: Audio might not be safe for work (reproduction habits of the snail) + plenty of mucus and disgusting footage. So far, this one is the absolute grossest among the videos from the “True Facts” series by Ze Frank. Omg. [Ze Frank]