Old Computer Games are Just Like Real Life [Picture]
[Via MUO]
[Via MUO]
Quick Crew Says: This is our new concept video, A little bit mix of JAPANESE, CHINESE AND VIETNAMESE! [Quick Crew]
[Source: F* Yeah Tattoo | Tattoo Artist: Jim Warf at Elizabeth Street Tattoo in Riverside California]
Got to admire this guy’s imagination. A hooded sweatshirt which recreates the look of Lieutenant Worf from Star Trek: TNG. [EwoksInTutus @ Etsy.com]
Hey, this guy is pretty good! Hollywood’s elite sound off about one of the most controversial (and least discussed) afflictions currently affecting modern society…Twitter Addiction (T.A.). [MarquandR]
This is awesome, but unfortunately, it’s only a concept for now. I guess some of you DIY-ers out there could quite easily make one of those, and if you ever do, I WANT SOME PICTURES! [IF Industries | Via Geekologie]
Some really cool bookends, which are a representation of the carved dire wolves that that guard the Stark family crypts. The Starks are an ancient house, whose ancestral castle Winterfell was built thousands of years in the past. Winterfell, is located in the center of the northern province of the Seven Kingdoms, on the Kingsroad […]
Etsy user Knitter Who likes to knit things, but amongst everything she has on sale, this Star Trek TNG iPad cozy is my favorite. Be sure to check out the rest of her store right here! [Knitter Who]
It has begun… [J.D. Witherspoon]
[Source: Crummy Gummy]