The Ultimate Grocery Store Superhero [Picture]
Lettuce beard: The ultimate grocery store superhero. [Via Obvious Winner]
Lettuce beard: The ultimate grocery store superhero. [Via Obvious Winner] Check out Watch_Dogs’ open world gameplay premiere video where you roam around the city of Chicago, hacking the life of everyone and everything around you. In today’s hyper-connected world, Chicago has the country’s most advanced computer system – one which controls almost every piece of city technology and holds key information on all of […]
Canon has shown off more details with its 3D take on augmented reality. It looks like an impressive but expensive technology that might be a solution in search of a problem. The system is dubbed MREAL, standing for Mixed Reality, and goes on sale on March 1. It’s the same basic concept as augmented reality, […]
Watch as professional free runner Ronnie Shalvis performs crazy winter acrobatics this video that was shot around Salt Lake City’s Gallivan Center. Love the flip he performs over the “No Trespassing” sign at 0:30. [ronniestreetstunts]
Hasbro has created a brand new line of their KRE-O toys for Star Trek: Into Darkness. They will range from approximately $7.99-$69.99, and while they won’t be available until May 2013, here’s a sneak peek! [Via Comic Book Movie]
After yesterday’s announcement that the PS4 would likely be launched right before the 2013 holiday season, Sony posted a bunch of HD game trailers for the new console. We’ve posted them all for your enjoyment below. Killzone Shadow Fall: DriveClub: inFAMOUS: Second Son: Knack: The Witness: And lastly, a compilation: Edit: And here’s Unreal Engine […]
The Folding Egg activity is actually an extension of the classic Rubber Egg experiment with a really fun twist. Just imagine the look on your friends’ faces when you show them an egg and then proceed to fold it in half several times until it forms a small white ball! Wait… it gets better. Just […]
The scenery from this cool RC Car chase was made entirely out of cardboard, hot glue, and spray paint. Kudos to Final Cut King for another awesome video. [Final Cut King]
A new study suggests that it should take just nineteen clicks to get from any randomly selected web page to any other web page. And if that reminds you of a Kevin Bacon meme, you won’t be surprised to know it’s human behavior as much as technology that makes this so. The claim comes from […]
To represent that everyone pays taxes, UK company Qubic Tax had the Acrylicize team customize an entire office wall with 1,200 LEGO mini-figures! [Via HiConsumption]