Some Vaguely Rude Places on Earth

Gary Gale is a geo technologist, a geographer โ€“ a “self professed geek with a life”. Hailing from London, his realm of geekdom centers around maps. His “Vaguely Rude Place Names of the World” exhibits his geek-level passion for cartography in having collated some of the world’s cities that have ratherโ€ฆamusing names. At least in […]

Chris Hadfield’s Space Kitchen: How to Make a Sandwich in Space [Video]

No, but seriously geeks, is there anything this guy can’t do? I mean, it seems like he’s EVERYWHERE these days: Chatting with Captain Kirk on Twitter, answering questions on Reddit, singing along with the Barenaked Ladies, teaching people how astronauts cook, crap, wash and even clip their nails in space. Now what’s next Chris? How […]

Watch Asteroid DA14 as it Passes by Earth [Video]

Exciting isn’t it? :) This movie is composed of 73 radar images looped 9 times. Image resolution is at 4 meters per pixel. Radar observations of asteroid 2012 DA14 generated from data obtained by NASA’s Goldstone Solar System Radar on Feb. 15-16, 2013. During the observations, the space rock’s distance increased from 74,000 to 195,000 […]