“Unclassified and Unidentified” Bacteria Found in Sub-Glacial Lake Vostok

So it’s not exactly like John Carpenter’s The Thing, but researchers have found what is a clearly different variety of bacteria in Lake Vostok samples taken during the famed expedition in 2012. After removing variables for contamination and misclassification, researchers are unable to group the Vostok bacteria with any kind presently known on Earth. Lake […]

Breaking Bad Fan Art for Bryan Cranston’s Birthday

Today actor Bryan Cranston turns 57. To celebrate, here he is depicted as Walter White by fans of his best show ever, Breaking Bad. 1. “The Cooks” by Mike Mitchell 2. “You Are A Blowfish” by Rich Pellegrino 3. “Walter White” by Peter Mitchell 4. “Breaking Walter White” by Nick Olas (*MyEyesBLEedInk6) 5. “WALT” By […]

Rap Nerdy to Me: MC Frontalot Talks about Nerdcore [Videos]

Where nerdery and hip-hop collide, you’ll find Damien Hess, also known as MC Frontalot. He’s no joke; even though he may seem like he’s playing against two stereotypes, he assures us he’s the real deal: “Nerdcore is this inversion of the shame of geekery… into non-ironic pride.” Check out the interview on NPR Science Friday, […]

Geeky Translations of Hamlet

If the hundreds of human-language translations of Shakespeare’s works don’t satisfy your need for the Bard in your life, rest assured other geeks have you covered. Apparently, Hamlet is available in Klingon: There’s a line in one of the Star Trek movies where a Klingon character says, “you have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in […]