Harry Potter Plot Twist [Picture]
Mind = Blown (Also: SPOILER ALERT!) [Via I Waste So Much Time] (The Comments section of the site is deliciously geeky and enjoyable!)
Mind = Blown (Also: SPOILER ALERT!) [Via I Waste So Much Time] (The Comments section of the site is deliciously geeky and enjoyable!)
Just the perfect companion to the USS Enterprise pizza cutter! Sit back, put your Spock ears on and watch some classic episodes or the new Star Trek film — and what goes better with Star Trek than a nice, cold beer. Fear not, Trekkies, with the release of the USS Enterprise Bottle Opener, now you […]
Will it ever end??? [Joy of Tech / Via Gizmodo]
[Source: According to Devin]
“Magneto was Right,” a Catchy new song by by Adam WarRock. [Adam WarRock]
What you “like” on Facebook can predict your demographics and personality according to a Cambridge University study. The authors go as far as to say these links could be misused by oppressive regimes. The study involved asking 58,000 US volunteers to provide their demographic information, allow access to the list of pages they had “liked” […]
http://youtu.be/Al5RhaJgxxU Nigel Ackland, 53, was fitted with the Terminator-like carbon fibre mechanical hand which he can control with movements in his upper arm in November last year. The bebionic3 myoelectric (double corr) hand, which is also made from aluminium and alloy knuckles, moves like a real human limb by responding to Nigel’s muscle twitches. Incredibly, […]
Each year, my work puts on a Winter Carnival. Each section forms a team and selects a theme for themselves. This year, I decided to put a team together and we chose Star Wars as our theme. One of the events is a Human Dogsled Race using team-built sleighs. As the Team Captain, I took […]
A new webseries that re-envision the Game of Thrones story as a high school movie. Here’s the first episode. Great stuff. [schoolofthrones]
http://youtu.be/2Ivr6JF1K-8 SpaceX’s Grasshopper doubled its highest leap to date to rise 24 stories or 80.1 meters (262.8 feet), hovering for approximately 34 seconds and landing safely using closed loop thrust vector and throttle control. Grasshopper consists of a Falcon 9 first stage and is 33.5 meters tall (110 feet). [Via LS]