We crowdfunded a Veronica Mars movie – what’s next?

So you’ve seen the Veronica Mars kickstarter, right? I mean, everyone’s seen it. They hit their $2 million dollar goal about nine hours after going live.ย  I thought that it would slow down after the INCREDIBLY EXCITED AND DEDICATEDย  got their donations in – but maybe there’s more of those than I thought.ย  Or just […]

eBay: Google advertising largely a waste of money

Research by eBay suggests paying to advertise on Google only works in limited circumstances and even then the effect isn’t massive. It also suggests that for established brands at least, slashing the ad spend causes little damage. The company intentionally suspended its advertising for a trial period, save for in several regions used as a […]

How Camouflage Works in Cephalopods

When marine biologist Roger Hanlon captured the first scene in this video he started screaming. Hanlon, senior scientist at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, studies camouflage in cephalopods–squid, cuttlefish and octopus. They are masters of optical illusion. music by DjCode, Best of Breitband, footage courtesy of roger hanlon, produced by flora lichtman. [Source: […]