This TARDIS Dress Redefines Time as we Know it [Picture]
Perfect dress. Perfect picture. Wow. [Model and Dress: AliceinIvory | Photography: blacKatDP | Via FG]
Perfect dress. Perfect picture. Wow. [Model and Dress: AliceinIvory | Photography: blacKatDP | Via FG]
[Source: Brian @ Shoeboxblog]
Deadpool goes to WonderCon 2013 in Anaheim, CA, and as usual, he turns the place into a big party. Oh, and if you haven’t looked at our awesome WonderCon 2013 picture gallery yet, be sure to check it out right here! [D Piddy]
OMG. I normally wouldn’t post this, but I spent the last 3 minutes crying from laughter over this video. I’m so sorry. And now back to our regularly scheduled programming. :) [Via LS]
While plenty of people were celebrating Easter in the U.S. last weekend, many geeks were busy in Anaheim, CA, at an event that I’m sure plenty of you would find much more interesting: WonderCon! I’ve just scoured Flickr for some CC-licensed photography of the event, and compared to Pax East 2013, there was plenty to […]
This guy is brilliant. Be sure to watch his other videos if you haven’t seen them yet! –Smeagol Sings Mad World [Video] –Gollum Sings Les Miserables’ I Dreamed A Dream [Video]
Star Wars with lens flares… we all knew it was coming the second J.J. Abrams was assigned to direct Star Wars Episode VII, right? A short action scene centering around the force abilities of a Sith vs. a Jedi, But of course, what’s a Star Wars fight without some good old fashioned lightsabers actiony goodness! […]
The thing doesn’t look too comfortable, but hey, somebody needed to make one of these at least once in the history of humanity. If you’re interested in building one for yourself or your significant other, Instructables user Seamster provides some step-by-step instructions right here! [R2-D2 Bra | Via Topless Robot]
What a waste of a genie! [Via Funny or Die]
What is the maximum height for a mountain on Earth!? And why? [MinuteEarth]