Skyrim – the Legend of the DRAGONBORN [Live Action Musical Short Film]
Two bards arrive in a Skirym’s tavern and narrate their version about dovahkiin’s origin. [STeamUpVideo | Via IHC]
Two bards arrive in a Skirym’s tavern and narrate their version about dovahkiin’s origin. [STeamUpVideo | Via IHC]
As neuroscience researchers work to unravel the inner workings of the brain, we know more than ever before about the mysteries of where emotions originate in the brain and the connections between instinct, intelligence and emotion. This work is yielding fascinating insights that we can use to understand how we react to situations and people. […]
The Iranian government has dismissed a claim that one of its citizens has invented a time machine. Sadly the gadget itself was at best overhyped, despite the best efforts of the ‘inventor.’ The device, the “Aryayek Time Traveling Machine” is the work of Ali Razeghi (which can also be written as Razeqi), who appears to […] Skin,? the way it probably used to be… probably. [Nerdist]
Gav and Dan find an interesting way to paint ceilings 600 times slower than you can see with your regular human eyeball! [The Slow Mo Guys]
GOTTA TURN ‘EM OFF! [Via Daily Fail Center]
That guy should be working on building machines that automate assembly lines… or something. Or maybe he already does, but I’m too lazy to sort out the info from his site, which is in Japanese. [Via UD]
Philips says its found a way to make LED lighting that’s twice as efficient as existing fluorescent bulbs. It would mean bringing the type of energy savings found in many homes to offices and factories. Although mention of energy-saving bulbs usually brings to mind domestic light fittings, Philips says around half of all energy used […]
Impressive, isn’t it? And the best thing? You too can create your own Google Street View hyperlapse by using this free tool. Hyper-lapse photography – a technique combining time-lapse and sweeping camera movements typically focused on a point-of-interest – has been a growing trend on video sites. It’s not hard to find stunning examples on […]
[Source: Brian @ Shoeboxblog]