Funny Sci-Fi Short: Shelved [Video]

MUST SEE animated short film starring a couple of total losers created by Auckland’s Media Design School. The comedy is a nod towards the early films of directors Kevin Smith (Clerks, Mallrats) and Richard Linklater (Slacker, Dazed and Confused). Directed by James Cunningham with visual effects by eleven Media Design School students. [Auckland’s Media Design […]

Best Parody Ever: Disney Star Wars Episode VII [Short Film]

Now that Disney owns the Star Wars franchise, here’s what episode VII will probably look like: Starring Darth Mouse, Wall-E, C-3PO, R2D2, Plubacca, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker,Princess Leia, Emperor Walt, Caterpillar the Hut, Salacious B. Crumb. Featuring The Millenium McQueen, and Admiral Bird. YOU ALL WORK FOR ME NOW! Muahahahaha! [SamMacaroni]