Well, Hot Dog! What a Good Dog!
You know those dogs that carry their leashes in their mouths? This would crank their Adorable Quotient up to 11. [Via The Onionย Store]
You know those dogs that carry their leashes in their mouths? This would crank their Adorable Quotient up to 11. [Via The Onionย Store]
Would work well in a Far Side comic strip! [Source: LesateliersOrange | Via Neatorama]
Full screen! Lights off! Sound up! Alchemy is a short film about transformation. In nature, everything is constantly changing: the earth, the sky, the stars, and all living things. Spring is followed by summer, fall and winter. Water turns into clouds, rain and ice. Over time, rivers are created, canyons carved, and mountains formed. All […]
http://youtu.be/1oAMvc0kFTc Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield continued his series of fascinating videos detailing how much different ordinary life is in zero gravity with a new tutorial explaining what happens when you cry in space. [Via I Heart Chaos]
A colorful and humorous animated CG short by the folks over at 3dar Studios. Apparently, this short movie is based on a true story, but I have my doubts about this. [3DAR]
Apparently, this is a photo of a used PC and computer parts shop in Japan, and its name is directly derived from the word “binbo”????which means “poor” in Japanese. [Via Techeblog]
[Source: Brian @ ShoeBoxBlog]
Game of Thrones theme song arranged and performed by cello rock band Break of Reality. Original composition and soundtrack by Ramin Djawadi. [BreakofReaIity]
[Source: Bizarro Comics]
MUST SEE animated short film starring a couple of total losers created by Auckland’s Media Design School. The comedy is a nod towards the early films of directors Kevin Smith (Clerks, Mallrats) and Richard Linklater (Slacker, Dazed and Confused). Directed by James Cunningham with visual effects by eleven Media Design School students. [Auckland’s Media Design […]