The Euler’s Disk: A Cool Scientific Educational Toy/Gift Idea [Video]

The toy consists of a heavy, thick chrome plated steel disk, a slightly concave, mirrored base, and holographic magnetic stickers which can be placed on the disk. The disk, when spun on the mirror, exhibits a spinning/rolling motion (or spolling, a blend of “spin” and “roll”), slowly moving through different rates and types of motion […]

10,000 iPhone Domino Chain Reaction [Video]

Epic 10,000 iPhone 5 Domino showcases 10,000 iPhones (that’s right TEN THOUSAND iPhones) falling neatly in patterns. These CG iPhones’ feature NFC (Near Field Communications) concept that enable content to be passed on from one iPhone screen to another. This iPhone video is imagined as an advertisement for the iPhone 5 concept feature of NFC. […]

I Just Got An iPhone and I’m Never Going Back! [Editor Says: Yeah, Right…]

Editor’s note: Be sure to read my note at the end of the post. On Friday, cellular carrier T-Mobile released the widely anticipated iPhone 5 to their customers. Until this point, if you wanted to own an Apple phone and use it with T-Mobile, you would have to purchase it directly from Apple or a […]

What happens when you pick gaming over your girlfriend? [One More Night PARODY] From the guys over at The Warp Zone: What happens when you pick gaming over your girlfriend? In this parody of Maroon 5’s “One More Night”, TheWarpZone and HuskyStarcraft join together as a hot new boy band trying to convince their girlfriends to give them “One More Fight” at their favorite game. Enjoy as […]