The Poster of Internet Memes [Picture]
How many of these do you recognize? [College Humor / Via Geekologie]
How many of these do you recognize? [College Humor / Via Geekologie]
Awesome dance, awesome kid. Love the bow tie. [Ben Lewis Youtube Channel]
This amazing Hobbit hole cake was made by the people over at Denville, NJ-based bakery Pink Cake Box. I don’t think I could get myself to eat something that beautiful. Om nom nom nom. [Pink Cake Box | Via NA]
So geeks, if you could somehow send some good pieces of advice to your younger self, what would they be? Let us know in the comments section below! [Source: The Doghouse Diaries]
Why Boba Fett probably dreads his annual performance review. Thanks Jesse! [Cracked]
Now, witness the awesome power of this fully operational Birth Star! [Via]
Seriously… Never. Ever. Touch. Pac-Man. [ricepiratenewgrounds]
This fantastic Catwoman illustration was made by Deviantartist Caanan and features plenty of cats from pop culture. How many can you name? [Caanan | Via IO9]
The BSG intro done friends-style. I miss BSG, I think I’ll start watching it all over again this weekend! [MugAGum]
Coolest-looking motorcycle helmet ever. You can check out a few more pics along with a video review below. Predator 2 Helmet Fiberglass, carbon fiber and polycarbonate Removable visor Weight: 3,9lb (1,8kg) 2?AAA Batteries Based on certified IXS helmet Extras: 3 red super bright LEDS laser controlled aimer smoke face shield improved graphics: scars, engraving and […]