100 Black Balloons vs. Pocket Blu-Ray Laser
Laser WINS! [WorldScottJapan]
Laser WINS! [WorldScottJapan]
The Force is fast in this video! Previously on [GAS] by 1A4STUDIO: –The Matrix in 60 Seconds –Back to the Future I in 60 seconds [1A4STUDIO | Via]
Making children walk across what appears to be a pool of liquid is one of the best known science demonstrations. Now researchers have discovered more about the way this material, dubbed oobleck, reacts to shocks — and the findings could improve car safety. Oobleck, which takes its name from a Dr Seuss book, simply refers […]
Jon Snow raps about his conversion to the wild side in the style of Flo Rida. Featuring Ygritte and a surprise guest rapper. [TheElectricPancakes]
From Filmmaker Eric Zaragoza: I’m a fan of Science Fiction, Filmmaking, and Video games, so I clashed it all together in one video, DEAD SPACE: Chase to Death. I hope that I will be able to continue making live action video game trailers. It’s so much fun. I hope you enjoy it, especially the creators […]
A new song from violonist Taylor David. Hi everyone, this is my arrangement of Elizabeth’s Theme and Will the Circle Be Unbroken from the game Bioshock Infinite. I arranged this for 4 violin parts, and also created the backing track. [ViolinTay]
These 100% cotton aprons are part of Haute Mess Threads‘ “Grillin’ Villains” line! Order yours here! [Via Geek Alerts]
This, ladies and gentlegeeks, is Captain Bayley’s Infernal Mechano-Perambulator, the offspring of a regular AT-AT Walker mixed with Flickr user Broken Journalist‘s mind. Looks fantastic, doesn’t it? “Each one of those rivets was cut out with a punch and applied with tweezers, and we both lost track of the number of coats of spray paint […]
Tired of typing away, answering the same emails, writing the same invites, posting the same status updates…. typing the same item descriptions? Superheroes (and villains) unite! Its like the comic book alphabet bending to the power of your almighty fingertips. This will actually fit both the wireless 13″, 15″ MacBooks and most MacBook Airs. PLUS […]
One of the scientists who worked on the development of the Higgs boson theory has backed calls for it to be given a name reflecting more than just one man. The debate comes a few weeks after CERN announced it had only one remaining variable to eliminate before confirming that the particle discovered through the […]