One Saga to Ruin Them All [Picture]
Thanks Jeebok! [Source: Comments on this Youtube Video]
Thanks Jeebok! [Source: Comments on this Youtube Video]
[Source: Magical Game Time by Zac Gorman | Via NA]
Cartoonist and [GAS] friend Mark Anderson just sent me this, and considering that May the Fourth is in just a few days, I thought it was totally appropriate to post! May the 4th is this weekend, and last year’s How To Draw a Cartoon R2D2 was so popular, I thought this year I’d complete the […]
Great idea, great shirt. It also looks totally awesome on Chris Hardwick (Nerdist). Screenshot from one of these TV specials: “The Women of Doctor Who”, “The Timey-Wimey of Doctor Who” or “The Destinations of Doctor Who”. [TARDIS Space Program Shirt @]
Entitled “We’re All Stories, In the End,” artist James Hance has done it again with this portrait of the 11th Doctor sitting sadly on a swing. I’ll swing with you Doctor! You are not alone! [Via Nerd Bastards]
One of the most powerful pieces of space equipment ever launched has lost its ability to collect data. As was always inevitable, the Herschel Space Observatory has run out of the helium needed to cool instruments. The observatory, built and run by the European Space Agency, was launched in 2009. It used a 3.5 meter […]
When you’re a geek who works in both TV and writes online, you tend to meet animators. On April 23, 2013, Jason Barnes, an acquaintance of mine, proposed to his long-time girlfriend, Jessi. As an artist, animating a proposal came naturally to him, so utilizing a cute, simple stick drawing style and the help of […]
In just 4 minutes, “Baby Khaleesi” recaps certain key events from the first 2 seasons of Game of Thrones…complete with puppet violence. And puppet dragons. **MINOR SPOILERS!** [Kill9tv / Via io9]
A totally awesome short sci-fi film about a robotic serial killer looking to “fix” people into loving him. The short, called ABE, was directed by an up-and-coming director and VFX artist named Rob McLellan, who did all the CG animation himself for next to nothing. It’s sort of Silence of the Lambs involving a robotic […]
Deviantartist KaiKoa has recreated the sigils from the main houses featured in Game of Thrones by using Pokemon. Please note that all these designs are available on t-shirts at [Kaikoa | Get these designs on a t-shirt | Via Kotaku]