Dorkly Comic: Videogames Are Just Like Drugs
I never thought of them that way, but after looking at these pictures I can only agree, videogames can be just like drugs! [Source: DORKLY]
I never thought of them that way, but after looking at these pictures I can only agree, videogames can be just like drugs! [Source: DORKLY]
In my case, this particular side effect would probably not only be a possibility, but more likely a certainty. [Source: Virtual Shackles]
First, I showed you photos of King’s Landing fromย Game of Thronesย made completely in Minecraft. Now, I bring you a video of the opening credits made with Minecraft, also by WesterosCraft! [TotalGamingCoUK / Via YouTube]
I’ll never look at an orange peel the same way again. [Via MemeCenter]
Here’s what Breaking Bad would look like if LEGO would make a video game version of the show. [Brian Anderson]
I think “chaos” would be kind of an understatement if this would ever happen. [BuzzFeedVideo]
The owners of domain names such as dacebook, facegbook and faacebok thought they’d make a fortune from fat-fingered Facebook users. In fact they’ll be paying Facebook around $2.8 million. Facebook has become one of the first high-profile winners under the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, a 1999 law that offers limited protection to firms against people […]
The IT Crowd NES game. Brought to you by Reynholm industries. Available in many sizes, styles, and colors. [The IT Crowd NES Game Shirt – Available @ The Neatoshop]
This tenor Rupee ocarina contains 6 holes and is in C-major. It is about 3 inches long and has a range of 10 notes, including sharps and flats. It even comes with neck strap and more importantly, a fingering chart to help you learn the popular ‘Zelda’ songs, all for only $22! [Via BlondeNerd]
You guys all know that I’m a big fan of Poutine, right? I mean, I’ve had Poutineville’s Monster 15-pound poutine a few weeks ago, and I even wrote about how to make this French Canadian delicacy at home back in 2007, so I’m pretty sure I’m going to go and buy a bottle as soon […]