Star Wars Infomercials [Video]
Just dip it in carbonite! A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…there were infomercials! [TheGamerChick]
Just dip it in carbonite! A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…there were infomercials! [TheGamerChick]
I can’t even successfully dance on one DDR game pad on Easy mode, for crying out loud… [Via Geekologie]
[Source: Reddit | Via Dorkly]
Personally, most, if not all Asian people I know are not like that at all… except for maybe one specific lady. Do you see yourself or someone you know in this video, whether you’re/they’re Asian or not? [JinnyboyTV | Via Neatorama]
EX-TER-MI-NATE! Time to call the Exterminators! Available in many styles and sizes!. [Dalek Pest Extermination Services]
Artist Rachel Kahn sometimes needs a little advice in her life. In her “By Crom!” series, she draws herself in deep – and not-so-deep – conversations with Conan (natch), who despite being an alleged “Barbarian,” is quite an insightful, introspective spirit guide. [Via io9]
On Thursday, May 2, a 408-foot-tall, 12-ton spire was lifted 104 stories where it will eventually be secured in place at the top of One WTC (World Trade Center) in New York City. The entire process took only 20 minutes, and our friends at Gizmodo shot not only photos, but a video of the event […]
LCD, LED, Plasma, OLED – These terms get uses by sales people at your local TV store, but do you REALLY understand what they mean? Learn the basics in under 3 minutes! [Techquickie]
What category (or categories) of geek do you fall into? And surely there are a few missing right? What do you think? Which ones resonate with you? Which ones are missing? I particularly love the Cosplay Geek. [By Scott Johnson | Buy the print from The Frogpants Store for $12.95]
Ah the 80s, that’s when most people didn’t have the Internet and we actually had to go play outside instead of spending our days in front of a screen. When I think back, I miss the 80s, and at the same time, I don’t. So what do you guys think? If you could, would you […]