The Internet Summed Up [Comic]
[Via MUO | Source: Cyanide and Hapiness]
[Via MUO | Source: Cyanide and Hapiness]
Brilliant. Simply brilliant. Phones & electronic accessories are the new essentials, so trade your Swiss Army Knife to a utility device you’ll actually use! This little charger comes equipped with a multi-use micro USB phone plug, mini USB plug, and iPhone plug. Just plug it into your computer’s USB drive, attach your gadgets, and charge […]
A medley of some of my favorite themes from Game of Thrones, The Hobbit and The Dark Knight. Arranged and performed by Jason Yang. [JasonYangViolin]
For those who want skip the bla bla at the beginning of the video, the real fight starts at 3:40. So guys, do you agree with the conclusion of the fight? Who do YOU think would actually win that fight, Superman or Thor? Let us know in the comments section below! [batinthesun]
Last week, IBM made “A Boy and His Atom”, the world’s smallest stop-motion film, which is literally made from atoms. Today, I bring you — also from IBM — Star Trek art, made completely of atoms, including a USS Enterprise that is only 1 nanometer tall! [Via Geekologie]
You’ve seen the top 10 cartoons on the 1990s, and now, let’s jump back to the 80s! So, what do you guys think of the cartoon choices that were used in this list? Do you agree with them? Disagree? What other cartoons would you put in there? Let us know in the comments section below! […]
Now available at Hot Topic and starting at only $15.38! [Via Fashionably Geek]
Cowabunga, Dude! These TMNT characters made from twist ties look totally radical! [Source: justjake54 – | Via OW]
With over 900 years of traveling the universe, you’re bound to pick up some cooking tips! [Sneaky Zebra] A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away at the Meows Eisley Cantuna… If you’ve missed episode #1 of Paw Warz, you can check it out right here: These Are Not The Toiz You’re Looking For. [ThePetCollectibe]