Why Are QWERTY Keyboards Made The Way They Are? [Picture]
[Via Imgur | MUO]
[Via Imgur | MUO]
It’s science! Marc Fennell investigates how shopping malls are designed to make you buy things. [ABCHungryBeast | Via UD]
Yep, been there, done that. [Via Reddit]
From the guys over at ASAPScience: In honor of International Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, we made a video covering what exactly MS is. Hopefully this video can make it’s way to your audience and begin to shine a brighter light on MS. [ASAPScience]
The makers of the blueprints for the first 3D printer-produced gun hoped to spark a debate on the first and second amendments to the US Constitution. That’s just what they’ve got thanks to a government demand to take the designs offline. The group Defense Distributed recently attracted attention with the first firing of a gun […]
Deviantartist KelseyKetchum made this fantastic deadpool-themed MLP plush as a comission for a client and we think it looks fantastic. Chimichangas FTW! [KelseyKetchum]
A shirt that mashes up two awesome things: Doom and Army of Darkness! Alright you Primitive Screwheads, listen up! You see this? This… is my boomstick! The twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart’s top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That’s right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. […]
That image of the guy sitting in front of his computer you see above, the one right before you hit the play button? That’s totally me right now. Most of us are on the Internet on a daily basis and whether we like it or not, the Internet is affecting us. It changes how we […]
Best short film I’ve seen this week! BOOM! Buckle your safety belts for Micro Mayhem! 100% hand-crafted stop-motion animation using Micro Machines as the characters. Shot 99% IN CAMERA using a custom camera rig we created in order to make the tiny world look as EPIC as possible! [Stoopid Buddy Stoodios]
-Infographic Created by HalloweenCostumes.com