Doctor Who and K-9 Made From Twist Ties [PIC]
From the same guy who brought us the TNMT made from twist ties, here’s a fun recreation of the 4th Doctor and K-9 made using the same material. [Source: Justjake54 – | Via LS]
From the same guy who brought us the TNMT made from twist ties, here’s a fun recreation of the 4th Doctor and K-9 made using the same material. [Source: Justjake54 – | Via LS]
Ok, this set of leather armor isn’t advertised as a Deadpool-themed armor, but it certainly looks like one! Now the only missing thing from that picture is a Taco chimichanga. Om nom nom nom. [Source: Imperial Armories | Via OW]
[Via TN | The Clearly Dope]
So, Jon Lajoie is looking to raise 500 million dollars in 90 days. Donate today and help Jon accomplish his dream of becoming SUPER rich! This is hilarious, and yes, in this case, it’s fake. Unfortunately, a lot of real kickstarter projects we see these days are not all that far from the ironic message […]
Tumblr user JermTube re-imagined a fairly complete list of Game of Thrones characters as Magic: the Gathering cards, which you can see in the picture gallery below. I don’t know about you guys, but I’d totally play that! [Source: JermTube | Via Geekologie]
The chief of Motorola says the company is interested in using electronic “tattoos” in place of passwords for security on smartphones. Dennis Woodside says the idea works in testing, though concedes it might not be in handsets for some time. The testing used a device from Massachusetts firm MC10. Despite the “tattoo” name, it’s actually […]
God, butlers can be such buzzkills! [Source: Too-Many-Ideas]
Pacakes artist extraordinaire Saipancakes is back with some new crazy pancakes! You can check some of his other awesome pancakes design right here. [Source: Saipancakes | Via Neatorama]
If you missed the first two episodes, be sure to check them out right here before watching this episode! In this episode of Doctor Puppet, (based on Doctor Who,) the Doctor travels into his own past to make sure it’s still safe. [HelloDoctorPuppet]
Tony Stark returns to HISHE for How Iron Man 3 Should Have Ended. [Hishe]