Get Serenity or the TARDIS (And Other Cool Fictional Vehicles) On Your Garmin GPS

Yep, you’ve read that headline right. The picture you see above was sent to Nathan Fillion by Browncoat Greg H, and if you’ve got a Garmin GPS, the only thing you need to do to have Serenity navigating the ‘verse for you is to put the ship’s image file to your GPS’s vehicles folder. Edit: […]

This ‘Portal’ Bedroom is Not a Lie! [Pics]

Under the tagline “Designing rooms…with science!”, Lauren is an accountant by day and a geeky gamer-slash-interior designer by night. With the help of her engineering friend, Steve Gilbertson, who created the portal mirrors, Lauren built and painted this Portal-themed bedroom! For even more pictures and a VERY in-depth step-by-step process — complete with purchase guide — […]