Geeks vs. Nerds Graph Defines Each Genre Once and For All [Pic]

Tired of hearing the incessant bickering of people trying to figure the best way to describe what makes a nerd a nerd and a geek a geek, Burr Settles turned to twitter to end the debate. After analyzing millions of tweets about how people used each term in association with descriptive keywords, he designed a […]

If Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody Was a Wookiee Bounty Hunter [Pic]

Even though the Harry Potter world and Star Wars are totally unrelated, the first thing I thought when I looked at that picture of Snoova, a Wookiee bounty hunter who who was active during the Galactic Civil War was: “geez, that guy looks kind of like Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody.” Yes, I know, shame on me. […]

Yearbook Quote is Both the Nerdiest and the Most Gangster [Pic]

Jessica Lee just graduated from Garfield High School and her quote APPEARS to be just random elements from the periodic table. But is it?? I could tell you what the translation is…but I think it’s more fun if you click on this periodic table, like I did, and solve it for yourself! (Especially since the […]