Look Into My Eyes and Die, Human! [Comic]
[Source: Nedesem on Memecenter]
[Source: Nedesem on Memecenter]
[Source: Port Sherry Comics | Like “Port Sherry Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Port Sherry Comics” on Instragram]
From Justin Rasch Animation: This timelapse clearly shows how stop mo animation is not meant to be seen from different perspectives besides the camera lens. Dimensionally we only concern ourselves with the camera perspectives…so its often off axis outside of the screen.
I stopped watching The Walking Dead after season 7. It just did not make sense to me anymore at that point. Always the same old thing, the same formula reapplied over and over again. But that upcoming Daryl Dixon show? It looks good! It looks different! It even brings a touch of hope to the […]
[Source: @mygumsarebleeding]
The folks from Sky Element now hold the record for the largest aerial sentence formed by drones, with the sentence reading: “Happy 4th of July 2023.” The show, featuring 1002 drones, took place as part of the celebration for the US Independence Day.
Thinking of ChatGPT as a glider you pilot can help you use it more effectively. Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd/DigitalVision via Getty Images James Intriligator, Tufts University ChatGPT has exploded in popularity, and people are using it to write articles and essays, generate marketing copy and computer code, or simply as a learning or research […]
[Source: @Davecontra]
London-Based artist Tim Lewis makes the most wonderful automatons that can move in a very strange, and sometimes very lifelike fashion. Check out a few of our favorites below! Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Tim Lewis (@timlewis.info) Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Tim Lewis (@timlewis.info) Voir cette […]
[Source: Dragonarte | Like Dragonarte on Facebook]