A Tim Burtonized Version of Chewie and Han [Pic]
A Tim Burtonized version of Chewie and Han by Deviantart user kehchoonwee. [Source: kehchoonwee | Via Geek Tyrant]
A Tim Burtonized version of Chewie and Han by Deviantart user kehchoonwee. [Source: kehchoonwee | Via Geek Tyrant]
Thanks for the nightmares, K4ll0. [via Geek Tyrant]
Yep, Google Glass will make most of us look like weirdos. [iJustine]
Contributing writer Meredith Placko is hard at work on San Diego Comic Con costumes, but she found time to make this handy flow chart to break down the steps of how to make a costume!
Jonny Karnage gives Tipler an important mission… in a sort-of-semi-tribute to the late great Tony Scott :) Thanks Jamie! [teaandcheese]
Can’t they all just get along?? This short is the sixth installment in Andy Martin’s ‘Illustrated Aliens‘ series. Planet Seven will be next! [via io9]
The folks over at Watch Mojo compiled a list of what they think are the top 10 cartoons of the 2000s. Do agree with them? Disagree? What other cartoons would you put on this list? Be sure to let us know in the comments below! [Daily Motion]
Price at a *ahem* measly $123,000 USD, the Power Jacket MK3 exoskeleton will mimic your every move while you’re wearing it. The suit uses “a master-slave system where your arms and legs are strapped to motorized joints that, when moved, drive the motion of the suit’s corresponding limbs.” [PoweredJacket | Via TechEblog]
This painted, plastic model of the USS Enterprise measures 8″ tall (on display stand) and features every nook, cranny, pipe, and machine! This ‘Star Trek Cutaway Model’ is from Diamond Select, but you can buy it through our friends at ThinkGeek for $174.99.
From George R.R. Martin: This Iron Throne is massive. Ugly. Assymetric. It’s a throne made by blacksmiths hammering together half-melted, broken, twisted swords, wrenched from the hands of dead men or yielded up by defeated foes… a symbol of conquest… it has the steps I describe, and the height. From on top, the king dominates […]