Michonne the Jedi Bounty Hunter [Pic]
An awesome mashup of Walking Dead’s Michonne and Star Wars by artist PJ McQuade. [Source: CastleMcQuade | Via IO9]
An awesome mashup of Walking Dead’s Michonne and Star Wars by artist PJ McQuade. [Source: CastleMcQuade | Via IO9]
On July 9th 1981, 32 years ago, the first Donkey Kong game was release in arcades. If you were born back then, this certainly makes you feel a little old, doesn’t it? :) [Via]
Two of the best things in life combined. Fascinating. [Source: Jesse Azarian | Via]
http://youtu.be/pqDm3gZNZPM I don’t know about you, but I have the attention span of a hyperactive dog, and that’s why I keep forgetting where a lot of my stuff is. But thanks to this little device, my bad habit may soon be something of the past! Tile will help you never lose anything again! Key, wallets, […]
I wanna be your abacus baby you can count on me and I won’t say that I love you or I heart you, but I will say less than 3, I less than 3 you Your molecules must be moving really quickly ’cause girl, you’re hot. Are you igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary? All I know […]
From SabansPowerRangers: Prepare to be POWERED UP! Straight from Power Rangers headquarters, check out this latest video featuring a legendary Ranger from each of the past 20 years! That’s 19 Red Rangers plus the beloved White Ranger – morphing from one to the next seamlessly! You’ll be taken through the exciting visual evolution, starting with […]
http://youtu.be/iwsqFR5bh6Q Good acting. Incredible special effects. Great story. We have a winner here. lol. Too bad Tiffany and Debbie Gibson don’t have a role in this one though. An exclusive new look at The Asylum’s SHARKNADO, premiering this Thursday at 9pm EST on Syfy. When a freak hurricane swamps Los Angeles, nature’s deadliest killer rules […]
A nice cosplay music video by my pals from Aggressive Comix. Filmed at Florida Supercon 2013. Song: Ugly Duckling – “Dumb it Down.” [aggressivecomix]
[Source: Andrew Gregoire – I am ARG | Via]
Ps4 vs Xbox One with a surprise winner! West Side Story Musical style! What will be your console of choice? Let us know in the comments section below! [AVByte]