Forging Wolverine’s Claws in Real Life [Video]

In anticipation of the upcoming summer blockbuster The Wolverine, Break Media’s hit series Man at Arms’ newest episode features Hollywood blacksmith Tony Swatton recreating Wolverine’s iconic retractable claws from X-Men. I also got this press release via email, which should interest those of you attending SDCC 2013: For your readers attending Comic-Con 2013, on Thursday […]

If ‘Parks and Rec’ Characters Were in ‘Game of Thrones’

In a recent interview withTime Out New York, actress-comedienne Amy Poehler was asked who each Parks and Recreation character would become if they were dropped into Game of Thrones. Her response: “Well, come on, I would be Khaleesi [Daenerys Targaryen], of course. Ben would probably be Jon Snow, because he’s so tormented. Ron would be […]