Featured Animated Sci-Fi Short: Worlds Apart [Video]

Completed in 2011, Worlds Apart tells the story of a young Central California family caught in an unimaginable situation. Told through the eyes of a child’s teddy bear, Worlds Apart is part cautionary fairytale and part science fiction thriller. The film has garnered fourteen Best Animation awards from festivals around the globe. [2013WorldsApart | Via]

San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) 2013: Preview Night in Pictures [Gallery]

Yep geeks, yesterday night was Preview Night at the Geek Mecca of all geek conventions, San Diego Comic-Con, and as with last year, Hayley Sargent was there to cover the event for Geeks are Sexy! The was not a whole lot of cosplayers at the event on this day, but we managed to find a […]

Adam Savage and Norm Chan Build Han Solo’s DL-44 Blaster [Video]

Adam has constructed a Blade Runner pistol and Indiana Jones’ revolver, but not Han Solo’s blaster from Star Wars A New Hope. Fortunately, the makers at the Replica Prop Forum have thoroughly researched the details of this prop and have faithfully recreated the components needed to build it. Adam and Norm run through the blaster’s […]

Urine Can Power Cellphones

Researchers at two British universities have successfully powered a cellphone using urine. The project involves microbial fuel cells, which are ceramic cylinders filled with bacteria. As the bacteria eats fuel supplies, it creates a small electrical charge as a by-product. The technique works with micro-organisms that would normally, where oxygen is present, produce water as […]

Artist Creates Sculpture from Vintage Comics…and Has No Idea of Its Worth! [Pic]

Artist Andrew Vickers found some classic comics in a dumpster and used them to create a papier-mâché  sculpture. It took Steve Eyre of World of Superheroes walking through the HEROES Art Exhibition in Sheffield, England to discover just WHAT Vickers had done…and how much his sculpture was worth. Vickers had papier-mâchéd approximate $30,000 worth of […]