Awesome Misty (Pokemon) Cosplay
Here is Aussie cosplayer Gabriella, aka Bad Luck Kitty, cosplaying as a very convincing Misty. [Photographer: LMKusanagi]
Here is Aussie cosplayer Gabriella, aka Bad Luck Kitty, cosplaying as a very convincing Misty. [Photographer: LMKusanagi]
Bill Nye The Science Guy and AsapSCIENCE team up to answer this burning question. Do we stand a chance against a giant rock, on a collision course for Earth? [AsapSCIENCE]
Once you hit play on this one, be sure to put the video in full screen mode and then switch the resolution over to 720p! My pals from UK-Based Sneaky Zebra have finally crossed the pond to come and make a video featuring cosplayers and celebrities that attended this year’s edition of San Diego’s Comic-Con, […]
These Pacific Rim action figures are [thankfully] only 6-8″ tall…and only $19.99! Better hurry — Knifehead Kaiju, Gipsy Danger, and Crimson Typhoon are going fast! [via ThinkGeek]
Universal Studios Orlando may be building a Cabin in the Woods attraction in time for Halloween, but I don’ t know…this looks way cooler. You can even “shoot” the zombies! [via Bloody Disgusting]
From the hair to the boots, I am just totally loving this Luke Skywalker-on-Dagobah crossplay by Fantasci-fi Girl! Photography by MJ Miller. [via Geek x Girls]
You might describe your smartphone as a lifesaver, but now you can let it help in the fight against AIDS. Alternatively, you can turn it into a tool to help study global warming or discover pulsars. It’s thanks to the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC), which already offered a similar tool for computers. […]
Move over minimalist movie posters! Nick Desimone made minimalist LEGO creations depicting classic geeky shows and movies! [via Geekologie]
A brilliant acoustic cover of the HALO theme by Acoustic Labs’ Greg Johnson. [AcousticLabs | Via TA]
Two “proms” celebrating Doctor Who were filmed a few weeks ago at the Royal Albert Hall and will air around the 50th anniversary special. In this preview clip, Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman — in character — show up at the proms, only to find themselves part of the orchestra, rather than the audience! [via The Mary […]